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Vilsack says imports should qualify for 45Z
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white shadow
Posted 9/11/2024 22:17 (#10887177 - in reply to #10887120)
Subject: RE: Vilsack says imports should qualify for 45Z

East Central South Dakota
CO2 has a use because a government policy says it has a use is about the dumbness thing I have seen written on here for a long time. Just because a lot of people can't think for themselves and simply conform to be part of the "cool kids" doesn't mean those that all the lemmings will go over the cliff.

CO2 is .04% of the atmosphere. Only 5-8 percent of the total carbon cycle is manmade. The United States share of the worlds manmade carbon is 26% 80 percent of our share (the 26%) is from electrical generation and transportation. CO2 from ethanol doesn't amount to a unicorn fart of CO2.

CO2 in the atmosphere is about half the optimal level of CO2 concentration that greenhouses use.

You can lower your carbon intensity score by 7 points using cover crops. By using this "approved" practice of lowing your carbon intensity score you ACTUALLY double your carbon footprint because someone has to raise that cover crop for you to plant (five extra trips of diesel engines) and you have to kill it off after you plant it with an extra pass of pesticide. So, by trying to lower our carbon score we have doubled our actual carbon footprint, and we are dumping extra pesticides into the environment. Sounds like a good government plan to me.

science that can't be questioned is propaganda.

Your last sentence says it all. You are just looking for something that benefits you. It is about free money and has nothing to do with climate change or green energy.
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