Latimer, Iowa (north central) | Not saying it’s right but in one day will it have any affect on the value of the trailer?
You didn’t buy from your local dealer (bought 3 hours away for price from what post infers). Now you found out why the price could be cheaper.
Who are you going to go to for service? The “multiple” dealers you didn’t buy from to save a few bucks or the guy that did a semi normal practice in trailer delivery but didn’t tell you about it? Trucking industry works on tighter margins then ag.
Do you think they will want you as a customer and what are going to be the “deals” offered next time? We had a neighbor that will price like 6 places every time he does something. All the dealers know his nickname of/as “Cheaper”… Before he retired he was getting stuff from 3 hours away because nobody local felt like messing with him. He would also steal fried chicken from the pizza ranch buffet. We can all choose who we want to be.