| Amen Amen !!!! I'm in a family farm and family land situation similar to Bob's by my father needing help and come back to family farm and help care take elderly mother. No regrets caring for elderly disabled mother wasn't easy but mama was grateful and very appreciative but the family farm and land side of if with my father has been stressful and a waste, of what could have been best 22 working years of my life. Run Bob run run run Bob.
As stated in post "Tiger stripes never change" they resistant to change anyway . It's their way or no way. I had knowledge and many opportunities in past years we could have grown the farm and land business but Tiger Control would not agree to it which resulted in Opportunity loss.
However , If Bob does go back for the love of the farm and father needs help get father to put some farm arrangements in writing to protect Bob interest and labor. Also have something written up if Bob decides to leave the farm due to family history repeating itself he has a way out and will be made whole for his work and sweat in the family farm he will have a vested interest and needs to compensated. Bob Better Take Care Of Bob !!!!
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