Holland, Indiana (SW IN) | Been a few questions about what to do with overgrown areas that suck the life out of 40-60' of crops
Started doing this 4 years back with limited success -
-the Spike 80 DG (there is a generic version tebuthiuron) doesn't stay in suspension well or dissolve in water great
I canned the 5 GPM 12 V pump on this sprayer replaced with a HF gasoline 30 GPM pump and a 30 mesh strainer
Also drilled out the hand gun hole to 3/16" --I've did 175# in 2 days over miles of brush
WAG I was putting out 3# an acre slowing down on big trees to 3X rate (full rate is 7.5# an acre) stuff is root absorbed
Pics tell the story -
-pics of dead brush treated either 2 or 4 years back probably about 1# an acre 2# on bigger trees --think about 60% kill (little trees are down)
Down sides --not cute, slow kill, dangerous dead trees don't mess with them until they've fell, need to clean up limbs
Positives --safer than cutting, quick, the trees seem to quit sucking moisture even when just wounded
About $400 25# ---I did 7 bags (175#) most I could dissolve about 15# in 50 gal of water so I did 12 or 13 fills (I'm tired)
Pics coming
Big pin oak trees in pic were forked 3' diameter each and very much alive
Be wary about what you buy as spike there is also a 20% version this is 80%
Edited by Dan Loehr 11/5/2024 16:19
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