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Elon tossing farmers under bus again.
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Original Greaser Bob
Posted 12/21/2024 01:57 (#11019438 - in reply to #11018109)
Subject: RE: Elon tossing farmers under bus again.

Altoona, WI
Deltamudd - 12/20/2024 08:17
I’m one tweet away from being permanently against elon.

Based on your posts over the past couple of days, you aren't fooling anyone. You were already against him. I think it is rather funny how the guy gets under so many thin-skinned liberals who envy his success.

And, being the genius he obviously is, if he is "against farmers", there is a very REAL reason for it. And that is the fact that we are a bunch of lard-asses addicted to the government teat, and he knows it. Nobody is going to fool that guy. This isn't the 1930s where farmers are sending their kids to school in burlap sacks that mamma sewed together. There are much more important places that money needs to be spent.
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