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Mexican food aficionados.
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Mrs B
Posted 12/29/2024 16:13 (#11031895)
Subject: Mexican food aficionados.

Highland Center, in Southeast Iowa

We ate at a tiny little Mexican diner in Gallup NM the other nite and I had a chimmi w/of course, rice, beans, lettuce n maters with green chille on the side. There was a small container of another item on the plate as well, that I was totally unfamiliar with.....mostly because southern Iowa Mexican food is different from New Mexico Mexican food.  It was green-tinged, a little bit chunky, about the consistency of medium-thick soup, probably about 1/3 of a cup of this 'sauce' in the little container. I mixed it with a bit of my rice and beans just to test it out, and holey buckets of fire, boys and girls, that stuff was wicked!! What in the world did I tie into? Anybody have a good guess? That is the only tiny bite I took of that stuff....I was appetizing-looking, but I'd have died of it if I'd eaten more. Clues???

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