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Industrial strength caugh remedy?
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John Burns
Posted 12/30/2024 06:21 (#11032741 - in reply to #11032294)
Subject: RE: Industrial strength caugh remedy?

Pittsburg, Kansas
When I thought I had covid I boiled a pot of water with a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide in the water. Let it cool to the point it was safe to breathe the steam, draped a dish cloth over the pot with my head underneath and breathed the steam for a minute or three. Did this several times over a couple days.

Got the recipe off YouTube. Don't remember the amounts.

Did it help?

Seems like it. Didn't kill me. I do not recommend it. Probably some extreme danger doing it. Instead see your doctor and get some more pills.

Edited by John Burns 12/30/2024 06:30
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