 Central Kansas | Your Oticons appear to be either the Real model or maybe the newer Intent. Demant group in Denmark makes them and the Costco Phillips HA are Oticons. Audiologists might sell 4 sets a month, Costco, nationwide, might sell 60 sets a week! Thus $1500 vs $7,000. Costco hearing test results (they do bone conduction as part of it) are stored in very sophisticated computer software. When your fitting appointment arrives, your hearing aids are “fitted” or tuned to your precise hearing loss via a computer connection. This is constantly updated and tweaked unlike some private vendors who cannot afford constant software updates.
Hearing aid technology is improving monthly with Oticons, Re-Sound (Costco sells these as Jabra pro 20’s) and Phonak leading the charge. Consider upgrading if you wear HA’s 3 years old, or older. These newer developments include AI learning by HA software and the inclusion of accelerometers, directional software that changes the direction the sound you want to hear is coming from.
I am hearing impaired from my military service and have been so for 30+ years. The little completely in the ear HA’s I started with didn’t help much. My HAs have a custom mould for the ear, not a dome. The VA has supplied me with HAs for many years but currently seem to be over booked and not as intent on spending time fitting you. My most recent HAs are Phillips 9050 and clearly are the best I have ever used. I put most of that success on the expensive and modern testing and programming equipment Costco uses….and as others have mentioned….the fitter. So…if you HAs are in the drawer for church, or you struggle to hear some sounds daily, do yourself a favor for the New Year…get tested, fitted and WEAR THEM!! Being able to restore some hearing loss is invaluable to remaining socially engaged, mentally sharp, and pleasant to be around. | |