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"self made Autosteer" or Chinese Autosteer
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   Forums List -> Precision TalkMessage format
Posted 1/1/2025 03:56 (#11035627)
Subject: "self made Autosteer" or Chinese Autosteer

Refer to ths beolow post about "selfmade" AG Open GPS Auto steer you should, before you start "playing around" insert to you PC under search: RTK Autosteer

THan you get a list of many different "Alibabadealers" which have good offers...


the steering motor are all more or less the same. Manufacture is a company in Shanghai wich is the leading company for E-Bike motors.

THe chinese Software is in original from Australia. THer are in CHina only two companies (DJ Dynamics and CHC -Nav) All others are like in CHina ususally so called: "Alibaba dealers" which have put a different brand name on it.

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