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seed oils
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NE Ridger
Posted 1/1/2025 20:10 (#11036992 - in reply to #11036355)
Subject: I may as well be that guy.

EC Nebraska
doathlon - 1/1/2025 13:29

Lard and butter are full of calories while seed oils are not.

Since I am that guy, I looked up reference values for various fats and oils.

These are the values I found

Per 100 grams:

Lard has 902 calories

Butter has 717 calories

Soy oil has 884 calories

Beef tallow has 902 calories.

Olive oil has 884 calories.

That's only 2% difference between seed oils and lard/tallow. Butter has the least. Maybe it has more water?

Anyway. It doesn't look like there's that much difference in calories on a gram for gram basis among the various fats and oils.
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