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New Dad: Tax Savings and College Investing Ideas
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Posted 1/5/2025 14:16 (#11042384 - in reply to #11042058)
Subject: RE: New Dad: Tax Savings and College Investing Ideas

Notofthisworld - 1/5/2025 11:04

Unpopular opinion, but if you give the kid the education cost and risk free you’re doing them a huge disservice.

A lot of those kids don’t learn a thing and many flunk out or take 6 years to finish. They have time to get into lots of trouble as well. And when they do get out they aren’t prepared for the real world. Podcast I listen to refers to it as “failure to launch” when the kids don’t know how to really leave home.

I mean you always want to have a safety net for them, but there’s a fine line between safety net and coddling them.

I agree..I and my wifes parents were both poor and they had no extra money for college for us...I didnt attend college..My wife borrowed money plus worked her way thru college..However,her parents sacrificed greatly to send my wifes 4 year younger sister to college..She used her degree for only one year..

When our son was young we told him that there would be no money for college...We told him that he needed to study hard and get a scholarship...He did that and got a full ride to a 4 year college..We bought him a cheap car for college..He majored in subjects that werent useful..His college degree was never used but right now he's working a 6 figure job that didnt even require a college degree..
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