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In honor of today
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Posted 1/5/2025 20:42 (#11042980 - in reply to #11041842)
Subject: RE: In honor of today

Fond du lac
As a Packer Fan this season sucked even though we are in playoff(not if it was still 6 teams). We are really 0-6 in the division blocking a kick at the end is a loss in my mind. So we are the worst team in the division. The Lions own the Packer. Packers 1-6 in the last 7 meeting and 6-10 in the last 16. I hope this isn’t the start of Bears dominance over the pack as well. The Vikings as owe the Pack. Packers are 3-6 in the last and 6-9-1 in last 16. The only team we could beat was the Bears. Only team to lose that many games in the still keep making the playoffs is unbelievable.
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