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Am I the only one making money?
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Posted 1/6/2025 12:40 (#11043733 - in reply to #11041596)
Subject: RE: Am I the only one making money?

Southwest Illinois
white shadow - 1/4/2025 23:39

I enjoy reading your posts and our mental aptitudes are generally pretty aligned, but I have to be honest-------you don't sound that fun to be around. Lol. I am 63, and there comes a time in your life when time and memories are more important than the top margins you can squeeze out of a dollar invested. Timing and stage of life affects attitudes.

You hit the nail on the head. I always find it interesting how many people judge others on this site for their spending. Have watched several families where one generation lived like a homeless person to save up millions only to watch the next generation piss it away. I probably piss away a lot of money in some peoples eyes, but I enjoy being with my family/kids and making memories with them. At the same time helping them get established in their careers without them going into incredible amounts of debt. 30 years ago my mindset was completely different. I could care less how others spend their money, because it is their money. I don't know their situation. Maybe they have a spouse knocking down several hundred thousand a year, maybe they hit on some investments, maybe they inherited it from a long lost relative. It's always interesting to see the comments when someone buys something for fun or even buys something for their farm that may be a splurge. 15 years ago we built a shop and air conditioned it. That wasn't very common back then and boy did I get flamed for it. It really wasn't that expensive to do and I would do it again with zero hesitations. Fast forward to today and it has become more common. The reality is we can all get by cheaper if need be, even those so called budget police on here could be better at cutting costs. The only real question you have to ask yourself is can you afford it? If so, don't worry about the budget police on here, you don't have to answer to them anyway. The only person you have to justify and expense to is you and maybe your family.
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