Southern Missouri | Farming has raised me and my family, but it’s not really what allowed me to purchase land , that money came from agribusiness, owning land turned around and helped the agribusiness, I’ve farmed the whole 50 years , but I’ve rented out land for the last 25 of those 50 , there’s an area west of sikeston Mo that’s always been very aggressive, my dad put his first field leveled to grade in 1962 and furrow irrigated it , by 1979 , every acre we farmed had been precision leveled with lasers and every sq ft furrow irrigated, very strong cotton area
It also didn’t hurt that I have a wife that’s the hardest working person I have ever seen in my life , ask anyone that knows me
That’s her digging out my Draper after she got off driving the grain cart beside me, she’s 64 there , I married her when she was 17
Edited by sloughclub 1/6/2025 15:51
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