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Moving a little snow
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Ron (Cen. IL.)
Posted 1/7/2025 07:30 (#11044832 - in reply to #11044571)
Subject: Guy jumped off drawbridge at Florence, IL.

Central Illinois
GDAD - 1/6/2025 21:19

Jon - 1/6/2025 09:08

Where is the quarry going to be? Looks like some equipment setting at the new port at west Quincy last month. Maybe they will use that big rock pile yet haha.

This is over at Florence, IL. Not a new quarry by any means, big, existing quarry. They load barges on the Illinois River there, besides regular, truck loads.
Guy jumped off the drawbridge there last night. Had the bridge closed and I had to backtrack way around to get to the jobsite this morning.
Yes, there’s a little bit of activity going on in West Quincy. Not us doing the work. I laid 14,000 tons of rip-rap on the levee about 3 miles north of there 2 years ago right now.

Not a real well thought out escape plan.
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