SWC TX | The ones around here are always a one time bid....never a 2nd round or anther chance. It's usually run by a law firm but sometimes its run by a board or individual. Seller always has the right to refuse any and all bids, so there always a chance of shenanigans going on behind the curtain. Just because you have the highest bid doesn't mean you'll win, or someone might get the BIL treatment and be told where they need to be after the fact. Nothing is ever made public either...bids are never opened in front of the bidders, and most of the times you never really know what it brought....you just get the coffee shop rumor.
I frkn wish they had live, in person bidding for land around here.....that would be the most fair, and transparent. Next best option would be on-line, and last would be the sealed bid BS.
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