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Manure Spreader for bed pack
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Posted 1/7/2025 14:35 (#11045395 - in reply to #11045300)
Subject: RE: Manure Spreader for bed pack

I'm on the fence between hydrapush versus chain spreaders. We've had many chain spreaders over the years and currently have 2 hydrapush. Most have been bought in need of moderate to major rebuild. Chain spreaders are easier to fix when they break. Double chain is nicer, when 1 side breaks it's easier to clean out, 4 chains pulling instead of 2, and shorter slats. Hydrapush spreaders spread more evenly start to finish. We had a slinger for a while and it would spread pen pack well. It did a very good job of breaking it down in small chunks and spreading evenly. But it was slow to unload. It would not spread wet, sticky, composted manure.

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