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Should landlords be adjusting their rent for inflation.
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Posted 1/7/2025 15:50 (#11045465)
Subject: Should landlords be adjusting their rent for inflation.

Should or are landowners adjusting their rental rates for inflation? All of the cost for everything else is going up.
My property taxes really went up as did my insurance for the farm. The value of farmland here has doubled in the last 5 years. I have heard some landowners commenting about all of the new expensive equipment the farmers are buying and can't figure out why they shouldn't be charging more.
I rent ground and farm the land I own. There is a lot of land here that has gone into CRP, because the landowners didn't think they were getting enough and the only way to save it from bad farm practices was to put it into CRP. They think bad farm practices include any tillage and any herbicides. I try to tell them that covers almost all farming, but it is something they saw on the internet, so it must be true.
I was surprised how much they were being paid to convert to CRP.

Edited by Driftless 1/7/2025 22:42
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