Walnut Grove MN USA | Without knowing your soil type or yield goals any advise is somewhat limited. I can kind of assume since you aren’t to terribly far away from me that you have heavy clay loam soils and looking to push well over 200 bushel/acre. If you are looking to maximize profit then I would add urea in the dry fertilizer pass to save cost and compaction and drop the anhydrous. I am not a fan of spraying UAN, volatility and it makes a mess of the sprayer. Impregnate your pre on the fertilizer and that is done too. Then you can come back sometime before tassel with a Ydrop pass for some extra kick. That drops 4 passes down to 2, then you can do the fungicide/insecticide pass as normal. You don’t need to spoon feed N in heavy soils, they seem to hold it pretty well provided we don’t get heavy rain in may and June. Keep in mind when side dressing N later you don’t need nearly as much as a fall or spring application does. | |