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teach me about milo / sorghum
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Posted 1/7/2025 22:13 (#11046055)
Subject: teach me about milo / sorghum

Central MN
thinking about planting a grain sorghum variety that I could chop for feed. I am wanting something that would be a little cheaper to plant than corn and potentially have better "drought tolerance" on poor ground. right now the field it would go in has been rye for 4 yrs. pure sand so rain is the main limiting factor. Beans do very poor as they tend to dry up in August. the county APH for dryland would be about 100 120 corn and i believe 18 to 20 on beans as an idea...main reason for going away from rye is we need something to control the grass for a yr.

which brings up the first question what can you spray sorghum with if anything to control grass? broadleaves?

fertilizer requirements? will it be close to what we apply for an avg corn crop?

harvest can it be chopped straight like corn? or will it need to be swathed ?

Are there better grain varieties for feed /chopping or will any grain sorghum do okay? one thing to keep in mind would be if I potentially didn't chop it all I would then harvest the grain and grind it for feed.
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