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Son applied for the box down here .
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Posted 1/7/2025 23:52 (#11046127 - in reply to #11046089)
Subject: RE: Son applied for the box down here .

paul the original - 1/7/2025 22:39

Just to be devils advocate….

I am the type of person that hates to count my chickens before they’re hatched. Seems I’m always disappointed when I do. Good he got an application in, see what comes of it.

It’s very clear you are extremely involved in your son’s life. Good to be proud of your kids tho. It does come across pretty strong. Very strong.

You use a lot of shorthand when you talk about things. Following your story over the months, obviously this has something to do with a first responders job. I really don’t know what a box is here. Not knocking you, I use a lot of farmer shorthand when I talk, so it’s fine if you use your first responder shorthand in your expertise; only just I end up left out of the conversation. Maybe others do too.

I’m not really sure why you would see him on a scene? Are you a first responder also that your paths will cross, or will you be following him around, or what is the connection?

As well, if your area doesn’t have a box, but he might be hired by an outfit on a box that comes into your area - then your area does have a box? That’s mighty confusing. But if I ask about it you will get upset or gruff about it, so I don’t really respond much.

Same with that box thing. I’m curious, but seems a person gets a gruff reply if we ask anything.

You kinda set your messages up as facts or maybe hidden bragging and don’t want to allow for discussion. Which unfortunately leads to the snide replies since you haven’t left room for anything else.

Carry on, don’t mean you any harm. You aren’t bothering me. Just some quiet observations.


I’m not offended by your reply at all , we are both first responders. I’m a volunteer, son has gone to school to be a fulltimer .

I’ll say us volunteers are not equipped to handle the problems we get into . Our cheif says let’s try to keep things under control until we get help .

Yes the box is a term we use for ambulance. We don’t have one . Son will be on ambulance first . So he may respond to a scene I’m on .

We do have a bit of our own terminology we use , turnout gear is one . That’s just the heavy coat and helmet we wear into fires . Another one used pretty often is AIR . That just referred to your SCBA , just the bottle we wear and mask .

A lot of law enforcement calls us hose pullers . That’s just to rib us a bit . We all get along good though .

We rib them back , we have a saying - you know what police and firefighters have in common , they both want to be firefighters :)

For the most part they are glad to have us there and we are glad to have them .

The way it works ( here anyhow ) if cheif is not on the call the one driving the truck is in charge . That’s normally me . When the deputy’s show up it’s then their deal , if it’s on the highway when the state troopers show up it’s their scene .

I have been asked why we always wear turnouts and bring the truck . I did not know that myself for a little bit .
We do that in case the car catches on fire . We will a lot just wear the pants and boots . I will normally wear my helmet too . The coats are reserved for real need . They are very hot and heavy . We don’t wear air a lot . It adds another 40 pounds . You need to identify yourself on scene
If you got the gear on they don’t ask .

I have not had a dead person yet , son has already had that a bunch in Dallas .

I have been told and son has too , a dead child will stay with you a bit . Neither of us have seen that yet . We both know it’s just a matter of time .

It’s not for everyone for sure , kind have to set what you see aside . It’s a calling kind of like farming . We don’t like to go to bad stuff , the adrenaline is going so hard it does not set in until later when you get home . I’m going to say probably the hardest part is to stay calm when you get there . It’s probably helped a lot my Cheif says fast is slow slow is fast .

I absolutely don’t mind answering any respectfully asked questions . What I do dislike is the trolls that would not lift a finger to help someone .
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