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Canadian farmers opinion
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Posted 1/8/2025 05:43 (#11046198 - in reply to #11046132)
Subject: RE: Canadian farmers opinion

deep SW On.
scottyb69 - 1/8/2025 00:59

I watched trump's speech today... what do the Canadian farmers and the general public in Canada think about being the 51st state ( from your side of things). I personally think it would be great to join forces.... I'd like your healthcare system.

Absolutely never want to join US, most Canadians would vote for Democrats & 40 mil. votes would get us many seats.

Very few Canadians have any use for Trump ,we have our own Trump wanna be PP wanting to be next PM , and enough of our own problems, don't need a dictator leader.

On Health care ours is as good as anyplace in the world , costs 1/2 as much per person as US and we have a small spread out population to service.

Trump needs to pick on Russia ,not his Allies

I like the US people but most of us in Canada see that US has ,like Canada its own problems to deal with .

Interesting that 3 people in US have own more $$ than the bottom 1/2 of the US population, won't end well .My hope is democracy in Canada & US can survive...
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