Boone & Crockett - 1/8/2025 07:16
Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 1/8/2025 05:55
Just plain beautiful!
I probably would've painted the alternator & filters red, but that's just me.
good thing you left the axles out! Pet peeve of mine on lipstick-on-pig-drive-by shootings of Deeres when guys paint them yellow. To the OP, simply magnificent, now I fully expect to see it at Rantoul in about 8 months, just needs a nice set of matching axle duals to finish it off. You’d have one of, if not the nicest on the grounds of that model. edit too add; Along with your sons hanging around, be plenty of guys wanting to shake there hand, me included.
Thanks….the problem is we only have equipment to haul lighter tractors. No semis with trailers or goosenecks…… only bumper pulls!