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Documenting things for insurance purposes.
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Eric in ND
Posted 1/8/2025 08:27 (#11046373 - in reply to #11046271)
Subject: ^^^This^^^

North Dakota, USA
r82230 - 1/8/2025 06:57

warpspeed - 1/8/2025 06:19

Take a walk-around video on your phone, upload it to cloud storage such as Google drive. And/Or a USB hard drive like a


This the best answer BUT go slowly AND describe stuff. Quickness will not help you as much. Having model numbers and other pertinent info will. If you're doing this in your machine shed (good idea too) you will probably still find that you missed at least 1-2 3/4" wrenches.

Speak like you are describing things to a 5 year old kid. You will be glad you have all that (What, at the time, probably felt ridiculously unnecessary) information if you ever need it.. Open drawers, closets and cabinets and describe what is in them especially things that are not in plain site.

Eric in ND
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