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tax spending to save soc. sec?
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Posted 1/8/2025 09:15 (#11046449 - in reply to #11046220)
Subject: RE: Not real sure coup, but.................

Southeast Colorado
We've incentivized people to not go to work. Just like govt farm programs that eventually addict you to taking's all part of our economy. You'd have to wean society from the govt welfare a little at a time in order to change course. You can't pull the rug out overnight..........or it'd be chaos.

But the reason I don't think that's ever likely to happen is because the wealthy in this country like it the way it currently is. All of the free govt cheese eventually winds up back in their pockets. It's the easiest way for them to extract the money from both the poor and middle class alike. And the wealthy guide govt policy in our nation. I fear the only way it'll ever be fixed will come from a total collapse of our nation once there is nothing left to extract.
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