| Problem is we see it with Obamacare, that may be 4% average tax that sounds great, but it’s going to be more like 0% for 90% and 30% for the rest of us.
Teacher insurance is garbage in Texas anyway. It’s ok for a single person, but you try and put a family on it and 2/3 your check is gone!
I think what makes a lot of us sour is knowing what we had pre Obamacare vs today. It used to be awesome if you worked for a big company, many of them covered your whole family for free and most Atleast covered employee for free. Deductibles have doubled since Obamacare. It’s harder to find in network providers and about impossible to get stuff like chiropractic care covered. When we go to the Dr we tell them no insurance, because it’s cheaper to just pay it then get a bill for double that as your copay a month later.
No doubt something has to change. This system we have now just plain sucks. When I hear Medicare for all I’m imagining something like a workers comp claim situation, if you’ve ever been there you know it’s horrible and would be very costly if you can’t farm/work and they are trying all the cheap stuff for 6 months before they let the dr do what he knows needs done. | |