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Accounting Software What Is This??
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jonas grumby
Posted 1/8/2025 12:13 (#11046800)
Subject: Accounting Software What Is This??

Northern Illinois
Like everyone else I am having issues with paying yearly fees for accounting software. I have two LP's that have approximately 25-30 entries per year. Their income is $20,000-$30,000 per year so I can not see paying for a yearly subscription. I use PcMars with FBFM for my accounting and pay the yearly fee as there are enough entries and such to justify it. I could use PcMars for the LP's as we get 75 (I think that is the number) entries before a fee is needed. The issue there is that your data does not carry over from year to year.

I was in Office Depot getting supplies and saw this and wondered if it would work.

I don't need much of an accounting program for these LP's. Just need to use something neater than pen and paper.

Edited by jonas grumby 1/8/2025 12:18
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