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Help me understand CEC, CA and MG
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Baby Bull
Posted 1/8/2025 14:09 (#11046974 - in reply to #11046262)
Subject: RE: Help me understand CEC, CA and MG

NE Iowa
I’ve sat under many hours of Kinseys agronomy lectures. They have all benefited my farm greatly. Yes, his whole system may not be best for rented ground but Neil will also adapt his system to account for short term farming. There are many small steps that can cost effectively be implemented on ground you may lose in a year or two or three. Most people have a chunk of ground they own or will be farming for a few decades and that is where his system can really be beneficial.

For the naysayers out there…..good luck following the universities. Universities are funded by the government and by industry. Colleges need these funds to keep coming in so I believe research often come to the conclusion of what the people paying the researchers want it to conclude. It all about money and where it flows.

Think about this. Neil once stated what the base saturations of soils need to be to a doctor friend of his. His doctor quickly quipped back that the human body requires the same base saturations to be its healthiest. Neil smiled and said the Bible says ashes to ashes dust to dust. For the believers out there we all know the Bible says that God made Adam from the dust. Is it just a coincidence. I know not.

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