20 Miles West of Indianapolis Indiana | Ringo539 - 1/8/2025 13:43
I know there are others available, but these are my top offered and priced from a couple retailers.
I'm looking for which one is agronomically best for tar spot control.
What generics or the AI’s are really doing the heavy lifting on Tar?
I just spoke with a drone operator today about prepaying and locking me into the possibility of moving up his list for a pass and the option of a second pass 20+ days later.
2 pass paid well this year here. Used Veltyma first at 7 oz and then came back with generic quilt about 25 days later when the tar came back. Of $40+ dollars worth of product and app isn’t going to do the job I’ll just use generics and go for 2 apps for $36 total money |