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NC and NW Mo and McBee’s
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Posted 1/8/2025 22:57 (#11047751 - in reply to #11047456)
Subject: RE: sounds like

GrainTrader - 1/8/2025 19:42
dvswia - 1/8/2025 13:38 eugene smith has come back to life..
I don’t think Eugene should be compared to these guys. Eugene got caught up in inflation and never throttling back. These guys are insurance frauds and flying helicopters to check on combine progress and spending money on anything and everything shiny. Eugene would weld 2 used 12 row planters together to make a 24 row because no one made a 24 row yet. And he’d buy 10 5020 deeres to have spare parts to put two back together to still have 9 rolling. These guys are a joke and an embarrassment to farming. And sadly on parade for all the non farming public to see


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