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Should landlords be adjusting their rent for inflation.
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Ron (Cen. IL.)
Posted 1/9/2025 00:09 (#11047791 - in reply to #11046358)
Subject: RE: Should landlords be adjusting their rent for inflation.

Central Illinois
doathlon - 1/8/2025 08:09

E.Daehler - 1/8/2025 00:19

AFM - 1/7/2025 23:10

Sharecropping solves all of this.

Not when you pay 100% of the inputs and they take 1/3.

Go 50/50. Never been happier and the landlords understand farming, inputs and selling grain. They also understand sweat equity and farm improvements. Fosters solid relationships as well. Seen a lot of 60/40 as well. In the great years we all make money and tough ones like this last year we all share the tough times too.

If you have a 50/50 crop share rental agreement with your tenant and all the rest of his rental ground is cash rent, would you be satisfied if your ground was the last planted and last harvested?

I don't know about the planting date, but I know of one instance where the crop share was the last harvested, this was after he told the trustee (tenant was part of the trust) that "the corn was standing terrible".
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