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Bonds and Solar
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Posted 1/9/2025 07:58 (#11048009 - in reply to #11047206)
Subject: RE: Bonds and Solar

NE Indiana
They can't purchase the land because they don't have the money. Thats why they will offer you a very small amount of money per acre to get you to sign up, but the big payments don't come until the panels are up and running. They use leases so they can go around and sign up a bunch of acres in 1 spot and then pitch that land to the company that will actually build and operate the solar farm. When this happens, chances are the original contract will be void and the company that's going to build and run the solar will renegotiate a contract with each landowner. It's just a scheme to get a bunch of landowners on board in a specific area. I'm not saying that the final contract won't be the same or similar terms as the original, I'm just saying it likely won't be the same lease contract all the way through the process.
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