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Changes in time cards over the years.
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Posted 1/9/2025 08:12 (#11048027 - in reply to #11047535)
Subject: RE: Changes in time cards over the years.

Brazos Valley
Those apps have their pros and cons. As a boss one of the biggest pros is that it’s one less piece of paper to keep track of, it syncs to Quickbooks so their hours go straight into payroll, and it’s tied to our dispatching software.
Some of the cons for me aren’t really cons until you start looking….. such as the GPS tracking.

I had a young kid I was trying to mentor and he was habitually 5-10 minutes late every single day. He drove me crazy as he lived five minutes from the shop and I’d drive past his house every day on my 30 minute commute to the office. His excuse was he’d shut his phone alarm off in his sleep. Well I bought him an old school bell alarm and he got better for about three months. Then it started again but the issue was I wasn’t coming straight to the office most days as I was headed to a big job to meet the project managers most mornings and sure enough if I didn’t find out he was punching in at home on time and still driving to work. I eventually let him go and believe it or not he matured and has been at his new job almost two years now and it appears that he’s no longer a dragger.

However, I pay a $50/mo allowance to all my employees that I require to use their personal phone for work purposes but we also have a strict policy of not using their own number to ever contact a customer as that customer will save it for life. We use an app called Grasshopper where all six of us can call and text from the same number regardless of our individual phone numbers.

Good luck!

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