Nebraska | Zid pro is still a good product no matter what moose says, he's beat that drum for years now. Its the go-to choice for hairy no-till acres here, I chase the planter with it (before the beans come up of course) giving me maximum residual from it, burns everything brown. I like that the zidua is not as photo degradable, giving me longer chance before it catches a .75 rain to get worked in, I don't like irrigating chems in, waste of a round of water to me and I have limited irrigation anyways, plenty of dryland here.
I dont skimp on bean chems, my program is not cheap but ive got bad waterhemp here. I'll come back with another residual post just 30 days later so I could care less if I get residual from the sharpen, only want it for the burndown aspect. Price came down over 100 dollars a gallon for me in 2025 so made my order on the spot. always run the 6oz rate | |