
| My Dad passed away just about 2 years ago, he was having minor health issues but still harvested every acre of corn/beans and did all the field work the fall of 2022 he even hauled soybeans the day before he left to go to AZ, once there don't know if he was not telling the full truth of his issues at home or as always just pushed through to get stuff done.
Once in AZ he started having sever pain in his side/lower back turned out his cancer had come back and he had a large tumor/growth next to his spine along with bone cancer, in Feburary less than 2 months later he said he was done, said he had lived a good life, raised a family and had 50 years of marriage that as he put it was "probably better than most people have", said no person/animal should have to endure that much pain, we put him in Hospice care on Feb 17th and I'm fully aware the nurses there eventually gave him so much pain medicine that he stopped breathing, god bless their souls for being able to do it, he passed away peacefully on Feb. 19th,
Later had a conversation with a guy about healthcare costs in US vs other parts of the world and he summed it up best in the US we are focused on QUANITY of life not QUALITY of life I don't know anyone else but if I'm like my dad was in severe pain or in a wheelchair and need 24/7 care just like a new born baby, I would rather be gone, I'm not afraid of dying, it's much better that the alternative. | |