Texas | John K - 1/9/2025 14:08
Extremely low humidity (1%) with gusty winds, some gusts reported to 80mph. Here, on the western edge of the Kansas Flint Hills, it takes very good fire equipment to put out grass fires in 20% humidity and moderate wind conditions.
Conditions are for Santa Monica airport
I’m not sure all the volunteers in our county , and all the
Full timers could .
Wind makes fire hard to contain, and makes it real
Rough on the guys facing into it .
Our gear does not make you immune to the fire . Yes it helps a lot . But you can feel the heat .
Those guys have my respect . That’s tough going . I don’t know how they could keep enough ambulances and EMT”s to handle that . Would be easy to run out of people on that deal . I don’t know about everywhere but the full time firefighters also are at least EMT , and do ride the ambulance. That right there would take a lot of firefighters out of the fight .