N.W. Illinois | Pursuit sucks. You are doing a disservice to many farmers recommending it all the time. My history of it goes back to when it was a new product by AmCy over 30 years ago.
Carryover concerns are the real deal especially with lower pH soil. First thing the yield monitor in the combine showed us was trees and Pursuit carryover in corn cause yield loss.
For some good humor go to the product label for Extreme and look at weeds controlled and weed height. 12 inch water hemp control. LOL!
A quick search on Google for Pursuit carryover concerns on Agtalk has lots of hits.
Last time we used Pursuit was 1.3 ozs. on soybeans for black nightshade control. That was about the only weed Pursuit was really good on, even at a very low rate. Planted winter wheat 4 months after spray application. We had carryover on every place the sprayer doubled up on the rate to 2.6 ozs. The wheat never came up. Pursuit sticks around as bad as any herbicide I have ever seen.
Edited by mounder 1/11/2025 10:04
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