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Son applied for the box down here .
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Dan Michigan
Posted 1/11/2025 10:24 (#11050830 - in reply to #11050279)
Subject: RE: Son applied for the box down here .

South Central Lower Michigan
littlejo - 1/10/2025 23:06

tommyw-5088 - 1/10/2025 22:40

I guess it’s called different things at different places .

And we don’t share with anybody who ain’t in the club.

For years, we got used turnouts from paid departments or the airbase—-being large, we could slip our hands into the other guys sleeve—-did a secret finger code thingy.

Didn’t want the “civilians”eavesdropping”.

We are a long ways out, carry extra stuff—-including bunch a sleeping bags. 3rd guy would ride on top of them, so we call it “riding the sack”

We finally got a “fee service area” and little more $$ to operate—-so last year, all who “rode the sack’’ got a secret decoder ring.
“Playing the ring”. Is when you want to “ride the sack’’ cause the jump seat is hard on your butt but the guy “sacked out” won’t trade so you open ring and give him candy stored in it.

This post caused pain in a rib I broke 14 years ago
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