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Considering a switch from Trimble to Ag Leader steering
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Posted 1/11/2025 11:11 (#11050937 - in reply to #11050170)
Subject: RE: Considering a switch from Trimble to Ag Leader steering

North Central Iowa
One has to manually switch lines. If you have all your lines loaded, there is a button you push that just rotates through them in the order loaded (maybe you can rotate through them forward and backward, little fuzzy on that). Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to just select a particular loaded guidance line. I've named all my guidance lines (eg. "North End Row", "South Side of Acreage", etc), so pretty easy to just rotate through them to find the one I need next. As you hit the button, the new guidance lines just populate the mapping area. I'm hoping to spend some time this winter in SMS improving the naming and having the appropriate guidance lines for each field. It's pretty good now, but still needs a little work.

A quibble with the Incommand 1200, it temporarily hides/covers the name of the guidance lines as you rotate through them the first time. Currently, you sometimes after to go around again through the lines for the names to stay viewable. Hopefully they fix that. If that is fixed, it would work consistently and be pretty slick to just rotate through them.
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