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Spring Pasture Mix for Wet Ground
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junk fun
Posted 1/11/2025 16:43 (#11051451 - in reply to #11043577)
Subject: RE: Spring Pasture Mix for Wet Ground

Reed canary is extremely slow to establish, and not great for grazing if it gets out of control and you can't make hay off it. But it will absolutely be the most productive thing you can get in standing water, if you have a light mowing tractor the sod will float the tractor over the mud also. Birdsfoot trefoil is also slow to establish, but equals alfalfa for meat or milk per acre, beat is on marginal soils for alfalfa, slightly wetter or more acid than alfalfa likes. Either of those could go in a mix, with the trefoil drowning out in spots and the reed canary taking over those drown out spots, but I can't say what else I'd want there.
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