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Anyone running a smoker outside in the winter?
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Posted 1/15/2025 09:05 (#11056844 - in reply to #11034477)
Subject: RE: Anyone running a smoker outside in the winter?

East Central Nebraska
Not sure if you know this, as I was unaware till I goggle it and no I didn't read the literature it came with. My pit boss has a smoke setting that you can change. There's a button that you change the levels on. I don't remember where mine is set at. I think P4 or the highest one. Those settings change how much it smokes on the smoke setting. From memory, if you go to 200 or higher, those settings are not a factor. I usually start with it on the smoke setting for a couple hours and then turn up to a higher temp. As to the original post, yes I run mine all the time. I don't have a blanket on it. Seems windy days affect more but yes it does run colder.
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